Thursday, September 15, 2005

This was an awesome old bridge I came across the other day. It sits about 25 feet above this white sand creek. I stopped my car in the middle of the road and walked back across it. You could smell the rust from the beams and the tar from the railway ties. This is something I always pictured being in the mountains or on Fried Green Tomatoes. I only wish I had time to take better pictures.


mjham said...

Gee, you found the Tallahassee Bridge in Louisiana, amazing

sheila mccormic said...

I remember bridges like this when I was younger. We each had our "own" bridge. Mine was a bridge across a bayou going from Fairbanks to Monroe. I think Mikes was the bridge at the end of the Fairbanks road going back before the curve and Dans was the bridge on the road in front of Mamaw and Papa Sackett's house. then there were the old trussle bridges we fished from...

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Granny said...

Would that be Thompson Creek? Papa Joe and I used to picnic on a white sand creek north of B. R. when we were courting.... back in the '40's. One time his motorcyle we were on wouldn't start and we had to hitchhike back to LSU. I had to be in the dorm by 10 p.m. but didn't make it and got in lots of trouble. It took 17 cars before one picked us up. Oh, yes, I remember Thompson Creek.