Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth

Not much new going on here. I am spending most of my time debating if ignorance should be a punishable crime. But then I realize even I am ignorant at many things (now I know that is hard to believe). So, I just pull the dwindling reserve of patience I have and take a swig of the bitter reality of my position. Mmm tastes like Caster oil, with the active ingredient of humility, of which I could use more. More than once I have heard the phrase "God's Country" and "Salt of the Earth," usually mentioned in a sarcastic overtone. However, you don't get much more down and out than some of the things I have seen. This, in-turn, makes me think of Plato's
Allegory of the Cave, and I wonder if these people have ever had an opportunity to see what the outside of there own scope of reference. Predisposition to a good life. Doctor's and Lawyers are more likely to make more doctor's and lawyer's. Contractor's make Contractor's, and government assistance is hereditary. Granted all of these are generalizations and there are anomalies to every instance. But, this can and does get battled everyday, with valid points on both sides. So, I will leave this to the politicians, sociologist, and those with more time than myself, to wage these verbal wars of value of living. Pursuit of life, liberty, and the easy money, or so it seems some days.

But, enough of that. I finally have another day off starting tomorrow evening around six. I can't tell you how much sleep I am looking forward to catching up on. This soon to arrive day has been able to push me over a hump and help me to center on my third wind. You may ask how many winds are typical? I couldn't tell you, first let us find a storm deemed "typical."

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