Thursday, September 1, 2005

It was the Best of Times, It was the Worst of Times

The picture below was one of the fairly minor claims I have inspected over the past couple of days. One of many...many trees on homes I have seen since arriving here. I also saw a 10,000 square foot metal building, well, I saw one wall and a few metal I-beams. That was all that was left. Trees broken in half twenty feet up have become the norm.

Today I learned about convenience. Still fuming about having to use dial-up internet, I left the hotel this morning at 6:15. I then waited in line to buy gas, only ten minutes, nothing compared to prime times. From that point I drove the 40 minutes to where my first claim was located, eating my cold bagel and drinking my Frappacino (coffee flavored, I don't mess around with frilly mocha or vanilla). Finding the location was not difficult at all, thanks to the handy dandy GPS sitting on my dashboard connected to my computer. This program even tells me where to turn, if only it was woman's voice and not a monotoned computerman I would be set. I worked my claim and traveled on to the next one. Well, the computer let me down, this place was like uncharted territory. I was able to call the insured from my cell phone, but could not understand completely what she said. So I did the best I could and I found myself very lost in what I now understand to be the back ass Louisiana. I was taking bets with myself on whether I would see a shirtless man in overalls playing banjo or drive unknowingly into a full on Voodoo ritual. Then I realized, My GPS doesn't work, my cell phone doesn't work, if I run out of gas there is none in this parish, I am pretty much on my own. No outside life lines, no mommy to save me from the monsters, it was just me. I quickly though back to my Boy Scout days listing off the necessities in order..."I have water, food, my car can be shelter...But what about a book, or TV, or something to pass the time." Wow, if the men of the 1800's could see me now, I am sure a wuss I would be. I found the claim, fortunately, but I never did get great cell coverage. I had lost the easily accessible, always when I need it, just because I am bored friend at my side. But as the day went on, finally got cell coverage, ten minutes from my hotel. I showed up here started to download, dial-up, and noticed it would take over two hours to finish. Fighting back the urge to treat my laptop as a Frisbee, I went to talk the time away with the boss, only to find the high speed was back up. I finished my work in less than five minutes. I realized getting the high speed internet was high point of my day. That of course made me question the how spoiled I really am. But, do I give it the name "Spoiled," or do I say Fortunate? I say fortunate, and not because it make me look better, but because I have worked for my comforts. But, then what does that justify and imply. I don't know, but I am pretty sure this will come up again in further post. Maybe some reflection time will be needed to know how fortunate I am, how fortunate most of us are...

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