Thursday, September 15, 2005

Disclaimer: Possible Nonsense and Venting Ahead...I'm Tired!

Argh, I just been sitting here trying to think of an eloquent way to place the jumbled mass of thought swimming in my brain on this post. But, I say to hell with that. You people are just going to have to deal with a little confusion and maybe a colorful word or two. (nothing worse than hell though, I will keep this PG rated...for now)

So the man running this office is a work friend of mine. He trained me, so I know him pretty well. He and I are a lot alike, despite the age difference. Now I wonder if it better to be in this situation with some one you know or with some one you don't. His 17 years with this company has yielded much advice, help, and constructive critism, but being in his confidences has also been a pain in the (PG rating, not PG-13, so you have to fill in the blank yourself...). I am the one who finds out the bad stuff first, like the mandatory 4 week stay and other not as interesting to you things. However, I am trying to decided if the perks out weigh the cons? For example I am one of the only ones with my own hotel room, a big feat because I am the least experience, but I don't brag to people about that. I get the juicy gossip on the other adjusters, which makes me fell better about the job I am doing, and I get to do special assignments. That is as much a pro as a con. I have to write a report on the new Catastrophe database we are using. Which means I must document my experience with it over the next week and submit it. Granted I will have no problem with this but I don't need anymore work. However this will look good to the big boss man. Good and Bad, Good and Bad, Good and Bad. So be it, I will teeter on the balance of no sleep, too much sun, and fear of being eaten by a dog for more money and personal glory. Just ask Maslow, American dream here I come.

1 comment:

mjham said...

sorry, I forgot to sign the previous comment.