Saturday, September 24, 2005

Weathering Rita

Board/Card Games Played - 8
Changes of clothes by evacuee, (because of being wet)- 6
Urban Kayak Trips - 4
Accidents during Urban Kayaking - 1
Pages of Book Read - 67
Run-Ins with Police -2
Negative Comments said to cops - 4
Times Rearranged Living room - 3
Minutes used discussing changes to living room - 128
Times People yelled at each other - 7
Being at home with friends and family - priceless


BrianH said...

friggin' idiots.


Drew Sutton said...

so....we only get into trouble when we're all together.
Ah the great stories....

David said...

Dangerous combonation of intellect and stupidity that helps us walk the line.

Anonymous said...

As I reminisce about the weekend a certain phrase keeps coming to my mind: "brain trust." After reviewing the list, I am not sure you and Drew fit the bill. But we had a good time anyway. - Elizabeth