Saturday, September 24, 2005


As defined by Webster:

Main Entry: 1fur·lough
Pronunciation: 'f&r-(")lO
Function: noun
Etymology: Dutch verlof, literally, permission, from Middle Dutch, from ver- for- + lof permission; akin to Middle High German loube permission -- more at FOR-, LEAVE
: a leave of absence from duty granted especially to a soldier; also : a document authorizing such a leave of absence

As defined by David:

(in a singsong voice)...I get to go home, I get to go home, I get to go home.

Ah, yes, finally an opportunity to return home and take care of some business and much needed rest. I left Baton Rouge last night and drove around the storm, arriving in Shreveport around 9:30pm. Now I have three full days of not having to work, and one more day of travel to get back down. That's right, I have to go back and workagainn for another undetermined amount of time. But that I can handle.

I came home last night to meet a large group of my friends at the house. It feels good to be home. So, you may not here much from me in the next couple of days, but don't worry, I am no longer in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and Rita, no, now I am right in the middle of it.

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