Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Mass Exodus

Yeah, it is mass exodus here for the adjuster. Before you get your hopes up, I am not one of those adjusters. We have lost a slew of people in the past couple of days as Rita nears Texas. They are going home to batten down the hatches and prepare for the after math of the storm. One of the adjuster's here now, has his home in the worst possible place of Houston. His wife has evacuated and he is sitting around trying to keep himself busy, but still worrying. I haven't heard much on the company's position on all of this, but I know we don't have many more adjusters to work, storms or regular territories. Rumors of gas shortages and FEMA taking over certain stations have been rampant. Gas is starting to become more difficult find. Gotta love it.

Today I became the bad guy. Honestly I am surprised it has taken this long. I have been listening to the news, radio stations around here for updates on Rita and, God forbid, something outside the world of Katrina. I have had little success with the latter, but I have sure heard lots of complaints from the "Salt of the Earth." But, today began the bitching about the adjuster's and insurance companies and how we are here on our own behalf with disregard for the policy holders. How people haven't heard from us or something went wrong that we have no control over. It was all I could do to not call this radio station and give them a good piece of my mind on behalf of the Red Cross, FEMA, and Us. People sitting there, not making any effort to help themselves, giving death threats and spitting on the Red Cross volunteers. Now tell me, with my taxes going to these people who refuse to help themselves, your donations and, not to mention my time, who is the real bad guy? (I am getting all worked up as I type this, banging on the keys of my poor defenseless computer)

However, one thing the radio personalities said today that I liked was "This will bring out the best in good people, and the worst in the bad people." Sure enough, and the media only adds fuel to the fire. As time goes by and tempers flare, not even the good people can be the best for long. But, thanks to everyone for the encouraging emails and notes. I appreciate it. Don't worry about me, I am doing just fine. It sometimes takes a quick outburst to relax yourself. Tomorrow is my day off, well deserved. Quanta La Gusta!


quirkyliz said...

Sometimes the hardest service to provide is one that is not appreciated. I know you are doing a wonderful job regardless of the situation and other's views. One question: Will you be home for Christmas?

David said...

I damn well should be!