Thursday, October 14, 2010

There is no honor there. None to be seen or won.  None to be earned or bartered, none at all.  I look to you not as the victor, but with pity as one who is missing the essence of self.  You may prance around with a smile on your face and a flare in you eye, but the truth of the matter is you are hollow.  You scratch the surface of a man with no honor and see the real vestibules of fear and insecurity.  And for that, you sir, are nothing to me. 

Where is the integrity? Where is the trust?  Why do we live in fear of another man? Though I've never lived the times of white picket fences, unlocked doors, and pies cooling on the window, I lament the loss of this era.  Replaced now by pit bulls, bars on windows, and refusals to share, even a buck.  I myself am both guilty and convicted.  I look at myself and wonder where has the integrity gone.  What are my expectations and intentions or better yet my responsibilities?

(my notes:  first paragraph was in reference to a soccer game I played tonight.  I came away with a bum knee, a loss of respect, two goals, and a huge loss for the records-about par for the course with this place.  The second paragraph is what I affectionately call verbal expulsion...I know not why or how)

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