Monday, October 11, 2010

Reach Deep, find that Man Card

So I walked into the bathroom today at Michael's Arts and Crafts store.  I was picking up a framed thingy I had done about two months ago (needless to say, I was WAY over due picking it up and I'm surprised they hadn't sold it to the lowest bidder).  My first thoughts as I entered the bathroom were "man, this is a nice bathroom, clean, bright, and smells nice."  All three of these traits I admittedly desire in my choice for the "Not Your Own" toilet.  As I was standing there letting my mind wander and generally getting a good calm about myself it hits me, BAM, the bathroom is so nice cause I doubt it gets many visitors.   After all, how many dudes do you actually see in Michael's?  And the ones you do see are usually painstakingly following some over energetic member of the opposite sex, all the while sporting a face that says...Is this relationship really worth being subjected to this arts and craft hell, or worse, Dear God, please let her find what she wants here so we don't have to go to Hobby Lobby.  Either way, it's never a joyous occasion in a man's day when he steps through those automatic doors, definitely not something brought up later with guys over beer and darts.  Moral of the story, if you are driving around when nature calls, and have a strong stomach for fake flowers and old lady perfume, Michael's is top notch water closet.

Also, I, for reasons I can't seem to remember now, was going through my text messages yesterday.  The use of emoticons caught my eye.  Emoticons are those smiley face or frowning, criey, whining whatever faces used to insinuate emotion.  I was fortunate to see the only ones used in my contacts were by woman.  Which brings me to my most important thought of the week.  GUYS DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE, USE EMOTICONS.  Stand up for your masculinity.  If you read this, and you are an avid injector of the as of now "unmentionables," you are presented a crossroads.  You can continue their use, but be ready to turn in your man card, or you can turn over a new leaf of ambiguous emotional standings.  Come on, you're a dude, a bro, a homie, you don't even know what your emotions are, how are you suppose to convey these to others with syntax.  Stand up for stereotypes and be emotionless in your non-verbal discussions, not like you are expected to be William Freaking Shakespeare.  This is all.

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