Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The stress is pouring in.  It's starting to fill up and is taking my positive attitude with it.  I just found out a video project I am working on is due a week EARLIER than I had expected.  We were going to be pushing it close with the extra week, now, it will be some long nights ahead.  Too much juggling with peoples schedules. 

Also learned today I have the wonderful opportunity to cover someone Else's territory while they go on Vacation.  But, do they get to cover mine when I go on vacation, do they ever step foot in Louisiana?  That's a great big, resounding no.  And guess how much extra I am compensated for that....a whole lot of nada. 

That's OK (get ready for positive spin).  At least my stress will decrease and I can spread it out over a couple of weeks instead of having all come to head on one day.  Whooo Flipping Hooo.  Looks like that bike will not be done any time soon. 

I got work to do, I'm out.

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