Thursday, January 27, 2011

Phumzille Park Container Project

Container Project

In the first year Eliz and I were married, she went to South Africa for two weeks.  This was a hard two weeks for us as she and I were in different countries, in different hemisphere, in different seasons.  While I was wasting away in the Louisiana heat, She was freezing in the South African Winter.  She was down there, on a mission trip, with The Double S Ministries (Sowing Seeds).  This group is comprised of some of her family friends from her home church in Mansfield, LA. 

They had the opportunity to do many things, one specifically in a very impoverished area called Phumzille Park.  This area is a shanty town.  Many, up to 3,000, South African families live here with little less than tarp and stick constructions for homes.  The have very little and are not afforded the benefits of running water and schools for their children.  This is where the Ministry has come to help.

As of now, they have acquired a Container, one that you would see packed with goods and put on a ship.  They have decided this would be a great mobile class room.  If it had to be moved, it could easily be done and the children's school could continue to go with them.  Here's the catch....It's just as expensive to send the container to Africa full as it is to send it empty.  This is where We become the Hands and Feet of Jesus!

They are asking for all kinds of things to stuff that container full to the brim.  They have enough school supplies, but are asking for any other items that could make the lives of those in the Park easier.  5 Gallon buckets for water, Seeds to grow flower/vegetables, clothes, shoes, any thing you can think of and can spare.  New underwear and New Bras are a big hit for those who have always had to use second hand dedicates. 

We have until the first part of March to collect as many items as we can.  Then they get stuffed in the container and shipped out!  The awesome news is Eliz and I are considering going to South Africa June 3rd to June 10th to meet the container there and help to distribute the goods! This will be a wonderful experience for us, if we are blessed enough to go, we will have to start raising funds for our travels too.  But, for now, our focus is on filling the container. 

If you feel lead to contribute, AWESOME!  I can come by and pick up anything you have and are willing to spare, I'll even travel a good distance to do so.  If you just feel lead to pray for this, AWESOME!  Thank you so much for what you can and will do for the Body of Christ.  

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