Thursday, January 27, 2011

MLK Parade

For the first time EVER, my company gave us Dr. Martin Luther King Day off.  They closed down the office and we were able to do as we please that day.  I love a three day weekend.  I can't remember if/when I've ever had that day off.  I know in college, at Centenary, I still had class.  That's what happens when you go to a 99% white private school.  Now they get the day off, but that took some conjoling.  High School was probably the last time I didn't have to go to school or work on MLK day.  That's been over 14 years.

So, on my much appreciated day-off, I'd like to tell you I slept late, watched movies, and cleaned house...well that's not true.  Instead I helped taking a bunch of inner city kidos to the MLK Parade in Downtown Shreveport.  I have to say, selfishly, I was pretty excited to go to the parade myself.  Having never been to a MLK parade...or any festivities, I was stoked to get to participate.  The Common Ground Community, also know as the Brite House, is a non-specific church affiliated community that serves the Cedar Grove Neighborhood.  It is comprised of many members of the community, churches, and the city.  Young and Old can come by and get clothes, a hot meal, and a food bag to last until the next chance to get more.  It's been a blessing to them and to me.

The kids where excited to go, we grilled hot dogs and hambugers downtown after the parade and gave food to the kids and to any other people that wanted some.  There was a homeless man than must have piled up three plates, eaten them, and then took one more to go.  It was a great time with some awesome floats and some great marching bands.  I think I'll have to go again next year too!

(the pics didn't load...if google keeps this up, I'll just transfer my blog somewhere else)

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