Thursday, February 17, 2011

Bound for the Mother Land

Well, it's official.  Eliz and I accepted and offer to go to South Africa to take part in Double S Ministries, "Fill the Container" project for Phumzille Park!  It's pretty exciting knowing that in June, we will be Leaving on a Jet Plane bound for Africa, the dark Continent.  I haven't told my family, so them reading this will be the confirmation that we are going...Surprise! 

We are excited about it, but now comes the task of buying airfare.  So if you know anyone who has an extra 4 grand lying around, send them my way.  I'm sure God will provide. This is the same group/people Eliz went with back in '08 when we were married.  She talks fondly of the trip and I've had the opportunity to meet the people who live in Africa, so I'm really excited to go and experience this with her and my new friends. 

Just about a week longer of gathering stuff for the container.  You can still get you goodies in the box, just let me know. 

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