Monday, January 23, 2006

Cold Coffee Sucks

Right now I am sitting in a local coffee shop, listening to my ipod, drinking a cold cup of french dark roast(pretentious I know). Contemplating the day. It started with a loud wake up call at 7am. My cell phone alarm annoyingly signifying the start of the day. After two snoozes and a two minute gaze at the ceiling I determined one thing...I need to paint the ceiling of my bedroom. I rolled out bed straight to the shower. The day had started.

I took my car to the body shop to get a couple of dings and scratches taken care of. I am going to be without my car for a week, so I needed a rental. I thought I had reserved a nissan sonata from the dealership, but alas, I was mistaken. Apparently when the guy told me I was getting a sonata he really meant, "you are going to get a PT Cruiser." Or, as my friend calls them, a PT Loser. I would have to agree, not my favorite car. I get in the burnt, red car, complete with matching interior trim, and head to my house. My first thoughts being, "God, I miss my V6." the tiny American motor whines it's way to my house where I quickly finish getting ready, load up my work gear and head for Arkansas. This is were I realize I am without cruise control. This is bad for I am a cruise control freak. Be it 3 miles or 300 miles, I use that cruise control. It allows me to regulate my speed and give my poor footsie a rest. So...1o0 miles to drive, 75 miles an hour and no cruise. I can let my mind wonder, as per usual, for fear of speeding and getting a ticket. PT cruiser strike one. I then put my favorite CD in the player and turn it up. Bad sound system. I sounds as if the player is routing the music through a box under the hood and then to a can with a string stretched to the speakers (other can). PT cruiser strike two. The awesome hatch back doesn't fit my ladder and I have had to fold down the seats and prop it up. A hatch back car, it reminds me of my mother's Matrix. Strike three, I don't like the matrix either. I am the recipient of a great big shaft right up the tailpipe.

I went to a fire claim today. I enjoy these. They are probably the most difficult, most time consuming, and detailed oriented claim I can have. But, they do allow me to do one thing most of the others don't. I get to think, I get to go CSI on it. The people also need to be reassured and comforted more, and I feel God has blessed me with an above average ability to bring ease to people in dire straights (future Calling? Maybe). I spent two and a half hours there talking with them, this is opposed to the half hour to hour I usually spend per claim. The claim was inspected, but there was still about 3 hours worth of estimates, reports, lienholder redtape, photos, and etc to do. I hit one more claim in AK and started the miserable drive home. My cell phone battery was almost dead, and I was falling asleep at the wheel. I risked it, I call a couple of friends and persuaded them to take a break from work to help save my life. Man my friends are generous.

I get home, check the mail to find my new company car is in. Hallelujah, finally, now the fear of them finding out the rest of the deterioration of my car. So be it, I will face it head on with no excuses and no pride. If they fire me, I will become a teacher. Yeah, that sounds like fun. Or maybe I will travel with my photog uncle writing commentary, I just don't know. I know I have options though. Anyway back on topic. So I will hopefully get a new car in the next week or so. The good of the day.

Work ends, I don't feel like cooking. I check my email. I have won a pink shirt on ebay. I'm happy, but wonder if by the time I get it, will it still be kosher for straight men to wear pink. I could be buying a brand new designer dish rag, who knows. Still don't feel like cooking. Call my roommate at work, cash in a favor and get a free pizza. Hell yeah, that hits the spot. I laid on the couch for about half an hour willing myself to think of something to do so I don't veg infront of the tv. Then Drew walks in, suggest coffee shop, I'm in like Flint ( I had always thought that saying was in like Flynn as in Errol Flynn, because he was a stud and popular, but I saw a movie on AMC, one of my favorite channels now, named In like Flint, so instead of researching why I was wrong, I blindly and abruptly changed my saying and I will hope people will not notice this not so drastic change of vernacular). And here I am. La Te Da.

Now, I know you are thinking I can't believe he wasted my time with a spotty blow by blow of his day, and for that I have only one thing to say. "To know me, is to Love me."


Mary Beth said...

You are so know you is to love you...and by the way I'm going to yoga tomorrow morning...I'll be thinking about you!

smc said...

I love your blogging.

mjh said...

Even your 'blow by blow' accounts are interesting.