Monday, January 16, 2006

In God We Trust?

I wonder about the piousness of our country. We are a nation founded on religious freedom and the ability to choose what, when, who, and why we worship what we do. But, recently it seems as if religion is only important if it doesn't conflict with politics, the bill of rights, and football schedules.

I look at other countries and the fortitude of faith they have. Take Israel for example, Sharon was not popular with everyone, but dissenters made it known that they would still pray for him and his healing. When someone mentions in a prayer to bless our President and Government, how many secretly condemn or forgo that portion of the prayer?

Take the recent tragedy stampedes. These believers travel every year to throw stones at three pillars in a symbolic gesture of defeating the devil. Albeit it may be a little strange in our eyes, but this is something they believe in with their whole being. It was widely know how dangerous that pilgrimage was. This was no the first incident of 100+ deaths, yet it did not keeps them from making the spiritual journey. Facing fear head on.

Then, and I know this is silly fiction, there are some of the movies I have seen. Religious men pushed to breaking points over there religion. Forfeiting their life in the Name of God/Allah with out batting an eye. They live in the true comfort of complete faith.

Then look at us. Afraid of stepping on others toes. Ten Commandments statues found unconstitutional at court houses, lesson plans curved to "neatly" not offend (that's a well rounded education, huh), and the controversy of "In God We Trust" on our monies . I guarantee Franklin, Jefferson, and even MLK would would be abashed at us. They would probably pull their wigs back on and kick our butts for straying from what the "Framers" of our country intended our rights to be.

How about Pat Roberts. Now there is a character. He has had to publically apologize more lately than Howard Stern's lawyers. This person is considered a religious leader.

Basically I wonder what the other countries, people, or religions do to be so united. Maybe it is the adolescence of the United States that lends to these lapses in Religious Strength. A country founded by Christians, with a majority of Christian inhabitants and leaders, yet what our country stood for is pushed aside. Not even just Christianity, but all religions are being forced into proverbial corners so is not to offend. I say it's part of religious journey. Living together despite religious choice. Learning from each other. Jesus gives examples of this; The Samaritan, the Women at the Well, etc. But no, in order to keep our worldly rights we disregard out heavenly promise and legacy. Thank God for Grace and the ability to be forgiven.

(yeah, I haven't' researched a whole lot...or really any, for the above post. So, chalk up ignorance and misinformation to misguided views, I don't really care how you think about it actually. I do know there are two sides to every story, too. Peace out.)

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