Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Gotta Get Upstairs

Do you ever get that BLAH feeling and don't know why. It's not that anything bad has happened or is really looming in the near future. Maybe it's to much information, too many questions, or just too much stuff written down on that "To Do" list. When I get in this mood I become real lazy and apathetic. I am usually an outgoing person, but when I have "the funk," as I call it, I just don't feel like talking to anybody. I can be in a full room and be completely content not talking to anyone. I say content because I know this is the choice I have made to be in this mood. I can easily switch from sullen and pensive to happy and cheerful, but sometimes that introspective time of BLAH is good for you.

One night around 12:30- 1:00am, a buddy of mine decided he wanted to drive home. Not an uncommon decision by any means, but he lives over and hour away in Longview. I questioned the intelligence of this move and wondered if was safe for him to go, cause I am a good friend. I asked if he would have any trouble staying awake. He replied "I've got to much going on upstairs to have to worry about that." By upstairs he meant lots to think about. I've started using that phrase to describe when I have a lot on my mind. Mostly the times up stairs are for mulling over certain worries, future plans, or my loved ones.

Well, if you haven't figured, today is one of those Blah days. Lots going on upstairs and I choose not to be overtly cheerful and outgoing today. I enjoy the opportunities when I am in the right mood to just think about what's going on around me. In about 30 minutes I am going to go to the gym, put my headphones on, and listen to music as I run. Running I hate, but the music I love, plus it gives me a good reason not to talk with anyone. Everything's fine, but today is a day of thought. So be it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you read the book I wrote, "Feeling Good About Feeling Bad" - evr