Monday, January 30, 2006

342 Merrick Street

Do you ever get to the point where there is so much going on in you mind and you are so tired finding a coherent thought is more difficult than Ray Nagin pulling down the white vote? That's how I am now. I usually don't have any problems writing my thoughts or happenings of my scattered mind. But, the unusual thing is I have been thinking about what I wanted to write about for a week now. However, now that I have time I can't seem to write about it. I tried four different starting ideas only to delete them. But, I am going to give it the ole college try and see if I can't get it out.

No, I just can't do it. I will have to think about it more. Actually I started and had a good portion written, but then a contradictory idea plopped in my head and I decided I would have to contemplate it for awhile longer. So, as to not disappoint those who are hiding from a work deadline under the muse of a quick computer break or those blantantly not working ( and I know who you are) I will perservire and write about something near and dear to my heart...

I think dessert is fine, but I have finally determined my favorite after dinner treat (see you thought I was going to get political, spiritual, or deep in some other form or fashion...well not tonight buddy). I like cookies. I will choose cookies over probably 99% of every other dessert. That's just what I like. I like cheese cake, ice cream, regular cake, tiramisuu, and donuts and all that other jazz, but I have a weak spot for cookies. I can pass on the other junk but I am hard pressed not to skip the cookies. I don't like oatmeal and raisins, or oatmeal for that matter. But any type of cookie is great for me, homemade, store bought, pretty, ugly, sugary, sugar free, it doesn't matter, I'll eat it. I am not a cookie bigit, well expect for those nasty, low income oatmeal cookies. When put together in a "melting pot" of cookies they are always the ones to beat up the sissy, yet wonderful, sugar cookies. Then before you know it they are stealing the chocolate chips from others and claiming them of their own. Then they mate with the pecan sandies and leave you with oatmeal chocolate nutty cookies. Those are the ones who really start causing the trouble because they go straight to my hips. So watch out oatmeal cookies cause I got a plan to make a special "oatmeal plate" for you and that is a one way ticket to my buddy who eats oatmeal cookies like you for breakfast...mostly cause he doesn't like cereal. Who would be the mayor of cookie town I wonder. If you go by the popular vote it would have to be chocolate Chip, but the Oreos would pull in the diversity factor, and Elfn Fudge cookies would also have a lot of clout with those people suffering from a Napoleon complex. It's hard to say. Personally I think it would be Milanos. Those guys are Thin, ergonomically different, the upper class of the cookie family. Face it, if you were presented with all of those on a plate, something tells me The Milano would win. Then he would push all the other little cookies, and even oatmeal out to the outside rings so it could make room for it's brand buddies to fill the council and cookie city positions. Yeah, Milanos are the mafia of the cookies. That's it, this means war...we are hitting the mattresses...with plates of cookies, big glass of milk, and a Jane Austin novel. (No, wait, I am man...cookies, milk, and football, yeah that's it)

Well, if you enjoyed my tangent about cookies and society then good. I would like to say it was for you enjoyment but that's not it. I wanted to make you crave a cookie, but there are selfish reasons behind it. When you are on the way home and you stop to buy the fixins for cookies, make sure you pick up some extra to send to me. After all I wrote this to get you all to give me cookies. I want cookies, because I love the cookies.


SMC said...

Great job David. You achieved your goal. Well half of it, you may have to come out to BFE to get some.

mjh said...

You know that is Donna M's favorite cookie...................hhhhmmmmm????

elizabeth said...

Remember the time about a year ago when I made you oatmeal cookies? I didn't know you didn't like them! hahaha