Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Underwear, Cops, and Jesus, is there nothing I won't talk about?

I thought I was busy when I was in Baton Rouge. Boy was I stupid! It seems that since I am not home, I am doing more than I knew I could. I am battling with those seemingly endless hurricane claims, in my normal area, and then there is the squeezing in of everything else I normally do, and even some things I don't. Tonight has actually been the first night have been home, and stayed home, before 8pm. I made dinner for myself, in my own kitchen (bite my butt take out), and have been able to do things I need to do. For example, I washed clothes (I was almost to the point of turning them inside out, or just going commando...gross I know you wanted that mental image). updated my blog...as you can plainly see, and now I am going to put in a movie and update some of my personal financial information. Man the life of a "grown up" is a riot. I am actually extremely happy about it though, weird, maybe, but I can live with your jeers and snickers behind my back.

Sunday night I came home to an empty home, which is not a problem at all, but something was a miss. I went to open the door only to find it ajar already. I didn't get upset, or scared, or nervous. I simple had a conversation in my brain. I did what you might consider a Cost Benefit analysis. Did I go in the dark, scarey home and yell for whom ever the hell was in there to get out and then maybe get shot? No. Do I run into my bedroom strap on my iron and do a military sweep of the home shouting clear in every room I check out and still maybe get shot? Tempting and maybe fun, but No. Do I cautiously walk away, call both roommates to only find out they have not been to the home for hours and hour, then call the cops? Yes, that's the ticket to stay off the Darwin award recipient list. I have to say I was impress. I did not call 911, but merely called the station, a number I have on speed dial. I gave my information and what I was wearing and then the nice lady on the other end said someone would be over. Now, I have heard the stories about the cops taking their sweet time to get to places, so I sat in my neighbor's front yard and watched and waited. To my surprise within three minutes three cars stealthily pulled on to my street. Hands on their holsters and flashlights at the ready, they surrounded the house and began to look for the perp (isn't cop jargon fun). Within five minutes of my call a K-9 cop and doggie arrived. They went through the house and found...nothing. Apparently one of us, Not Me, left the door slightly opened when they left earlier that day. Thankfully nothing was missing and nothing was out of place. The neighbor came out and I had the auspicious duty of explaining to them I am a whinny baby and I was afraid to go into my dark house alone. Not really, I figured it was better to call them and be better to be safe than sorry, cause I don't like to apologize. But it proved to be a little excitement to round out the night. Never a dull moment a the "youth hostel" (which is the current name of the house, careful, it can change without warning and when you call it the YH, I will have to reply with "Uh, that was sooo last winter." and you don't want me to bust you down like that. Oh, by the way I heard my mother say to some 0ne the other day "you just dissed my son." Now I am honored she would stand up for me when someone was frontin my like that, cause I don't like peeps up in my Kool Aid, but I don't use that term and to hear a 50+ woman say that makes me laugh).

So it's not easy to pour out the past few days into one post, but I have managed to hit the high points. Oh, I had a buddy of mine call me today to ask me who Jesus is to me. I love that. I am not the type of person to proactively evangilize to the masses. I try to lean to the more suttle methods of spreading the love, but when some one asks me, beware of the flood gates. I hope I helped him out, but even still to know I tried makes me feel good. Have a great night folks.


BrianH said...

you're a good man, and your talk is much appreciated.


Michael B said...

am i to guess that brianh was the one who called to ask about jesus? i certainly hope it was. preach on my brotha! and by the way, i'm sure brian would have called the cops too, wuss! = )

BrianH said...

i'm no wuss, i would have busted in there like Burt Reynolds.
