Sunday, November 6, 2005

"This is the way we clean the house, clean the house...all the live long day."

As per my usual return to home tradition, I spent a good portion of the day cleaning. Some of you might not believe me, but I like to clean. I have a special routine that makes it almost fun ( cause if it was fun, I would be a world class tool, and now I am just a national class tool.) The key to enjoyable house cleaning is this...aren't you excited to know...don't you wish I would tell you already? OK, loud music. Pick one of you favorite CDs/Bands/cassette tapes/or Vinyls, turn it up so it pumps through the whole house and thus, over the vacuum. That way from any room or any vacuum you can hear the tunes. I also find cleaning the house is a good way to procrastinate other stuff. My main goal today was to clean and organize my office, so what did I do. I cleaned every other room and saved the office for last. I didn't want to do it, but after I ran out of rooms it got done. Mostly, it allows my mind to wonder and gives my hands something to do. I like being home.

No one is at the house right now and I am lonely. But, I think even if it was full of people I would seek out the quiet place and continue to be lonely, that's just the mood I choose to be in right now. It allows me to think and attempt to put things in perspective. But, I bought a new book today called Knowing God and I think I will start reading it now instead.

1 comment:

BrianH said...

what were you listening to whilst thou cleaned thy home?

oh, i have a couple of songs from that list i made on my blog. as soon as i get all of them, you'll get a copy.
