Wednesday, November 9, 2005

Knowing God vs. Knowing about God

What does that mean? To know too much about God has the potential for you to look down on those learning and searching, this lead to non Godly ways, among other negative connotations . Not knowing enough about God prevents you from having a deep and full relationship with Him. At which point does knowing about God comprise knowing God.

Meditation vs Prayer. Is there a difference? Apparently so, and I think the lost art of meditation is black eye on today's Christianity. Something I am going to try and remedy, with myself at least. But, finding time is the hard part. No excuses, taking five, ten minutes to actively listen and think of God as you mentally roll through the rolodex of ideas and concerns you have. It could be something as simple as online journaling...Hmmm...

Do you need a church to be a religious person? Is it necessary to attend a weekly or semi-weekly service? If not, where does the foundation of your faith come from? The jaded, redrafted scripts of Grade B movies? And, if you don't need to attend a church, are you not knowing enough about God and His people?

So many questions, not enough answers, this whole search thing is crazy, but I know it won't ever end. I see this "journey" as a constant teetering between to much and not enough, with an understanding I will never find that exact point were there is not more movement, a perfect balance if you will. That I am find with, because the journey is important and end justifies the means.


BrianH said...

Do or do not, there is no try.


quirkyliz said...

I am encouraged by hearing about other's journies. Thanks for sharing.