Thursday, November 3, 2005

Last Post from South LA

I have something new to add to all the list of my hobbies and interests on those stupid canned applications and what not. People watching. A fun sport with many facets and sub levels to explore. I have said it before but I am just amazed at the diversity of people. Different interest contingent upon age, economic status, and relationship position. And when you think you have someone pegged, BAM! Out of left field comes the winds of change that level you. One such example is of an email sent to me by my Granny. She sent me an email of leaving work/returning to work personified by penguins and polar bears. It was a funny email and appreciated, but it made me think of the other emails I get in the same format. These usually come from my friends and have no where near the innocent intent of this particular one. I can picture her laughing as she sent these email out to family and friends, I can also picture my friends faces and comments as they sent others out to me. Both completely different, but both with my interest in mind. My there's a vast chasm of grayness to fill. As I change so do my interest. I want to believe when Granny was my age, she would have appreciated some of the content of the emails sent to me now (though, come to think of it, probably not, she had to be as nice and "Mary Poppins" back then as now). But, I find the jokes that made me laugh out loud back in the day (yeah, I know, I'm not old), barely even get a polite smirk now. I stick with stupid jokes that don't offend, unless you are a pirate. Don't believe me, give me a call when you have an hour and I will go through my portfolio. I am happy with the change.

I was discussing the merits of getting older with a "more seasoned" adjuster this afternoon. He brought up some good points. I think he is trying to pass his wisdom on to me, which is fine, cause I know how to listen or at least pretend to listen. When you waded through the pontification, there were some thought provoking words mixed in. Last night there were five of us sitting around in one of the rooms enjoying some adult beverages and mostly joking around. Then some how the conversation got turned to a religious nature. We had a relatively deep discussion and in the middle of it, I stopped and looked around. I said to myself "David, (cause that's what I call myself...low level humor I know, but hey no one's twisting your arm to read this, you just have to deal and hope I keep my asides to a few words instead of a few sentences. Guess I messed this one up.) this is an interesting group/situation to be doing this." No one was converted, no tongues spoken, but general ideas and philosophies shared. I noticed a similarity with the people here that I haven't seen in a while. As time goes by it is less like work associates, but more like a Franternity. Not a binge drinking, girl chasing, college stereotype. More like the ideal college Fraternity. Shared interests, similar goals, different backgrounds, and yeah, some beer. But there is also the support group, a place to vent on a bad day and advice for a difficult situation. Some people think I am crazy for not really wanting to come back, and maybe I am. But when I work alone 90% of the time and can go weeks without talking to a fellow employee or even a boss, I learn to appreciate the few times when that ring of connection is present. And I am not going to lie, the money is damn good too. But tomorrow I leave to go home and basically do the same thing I am doing here, by myself, and without the extra money kicker. From a business aspect it is the right decision, but from the peon, low man on the totem pole, it sucks. I have been doing this so long it has become habit and the "norm." So after tomorrow, the blog will probably be less about work and more about the other randomness running through my mind. And as I will be busy with more things the posts will inevidently be further apart. So, continue to check and read at you leisure, but don't expect much more than the lovely neuroses passed down to me from my crazy mom ( I heart you Mommy). Closing out on Denham Springs.

1 comment:

BrianH said...

i dig what you're saying about how nice it is to actually "work" with other employees. it's nice to have that social interaction with people you work with. we don't get that too much. it's been kinda nice for me being in an office all day, but i'm ready to get back to what i'm supposed to do, which is being outside and doing "real work" and not being a processor.

Here's a pirate joke for ya':
Q: How far is David from Brian?