Tuesday, November 1, 2005

Homeward Bound...For Good

Well, I found out today they are sending me home on Friday. I don't have to come back, and to be honest, I am not exactly happy about it. They had to hire people outside of our company to work my normal territory in Shreveport, and they aren't doing enough work to justify their salary. So what does that mean. It means in order to save over $1,200 a day, they are making me leave and go home. I know the undertone of the post shows disappointment, which I am not going to lie, I am. I was excited about making the good scratch. I know of some people who will be happy I am home, and I guess I will be happy too.

I don't think it could have come at a better time. Today I climbed on a metal roof and with out looking I accidently bumped my head on the electrical wire connecting to the adjacent structure. No missing hair, or burned smell, but a deep breath and a quick prayer up to God.

Also with the recent vomiting and stomach pains, at least I can get better at home. So turn the light on, kill the fat chicken (not the one with the flu), cause Daddy's coming home to stay. Just don't get upset with me if you Christmas gift is not as good as it could have been, you can blame that on "The Man."


BrianH said...

i'm going home on friday as well. the money is nice doing CAT work, but after a while it gets old living out of a hotel room.
have a good rest of the week, and next you're on a roof, LOOK UP!


Sarah said...

Oh goodie!! I miss my brother!!

Drew Sutton said...

Daddy...if any body is calling you daddy i'm moving....

i better still get a rockin cool cristmas gift...work or no work.

see you friday!!

BrianH said...

i want a cool present, too.


res said...

What idiot picked Nankings? I'm not scared to get back on the horse and eat out again. Let's just change it up a bit this time....you pay.

I'll trade you a cooler for a grill.