So, Star Date...36...and along...fine...and...dandy (that's my literary attempt to badly, imitate the pause acting of the famous, and now rather fat, William Shatner, but with his new music CD out he'll be ok). I haven't posted anything lately because I have been extremely busy. I have however gotten a lot accomplish in the past couple of days, but when you literly start working at 6:30am and stop at 9:30pm, pausing only for dinner, you get stuff done. But it hasn't all been work.
Last Friday the big wigs came in and took all of us on a boat cruise and to a restaurant/bar for the evening. I won $150 gift certificate to Best Buy on the boat trip. That was pretty neat. I think our company thinks the only way to please us is to shove free booze down our throats. I suppose it works for some, but not everyone. There was that one guy who got smashed and started calling the vice president of the company some not so nice things. He didn't remember any of it the next day. But I did some good networking and found out some interesting information.
From Katrina we had received, up to last weekend, 16,000 claims. I'm going to write that out for you for a more dramatic effect, sixteen thousand claims. This is for the five offices scattered around the coast. That is a hell of a lot of claims, a HELL of a lot of claims. As of last weekend, one month from the storm, we had closed/inspected 9,000 of those claims. Pretty good by anybody's standards. I am very impress with out output. That being said...
I am surprised by the condition of the cities in my territory. This far out from when it hit and it still seems as if little has been accomplished. Most people have electricity, but the towns still look in total disarray. It looks close to the same as one week after the storm. This just indicates the amazing magnitude of the hurricane. I have heard rumors of St. Benard Parish being bull dozed, yeah the whole parish. They are taking it a zip code at a time and saying, "Aint' no way we can fix dis here place." Drew, my roommate, has been in New Orleans with our pastor for the last couple of days filming and helping out. He has been telling me stories of people, damages, and areas that made it. It's pretty crazy stuff. The people are being nice, but the media is killing me. You would think the only people affected are the ones who are poor, black, and given up on by society. They weren't the only ones affected, as you all know, they just don't do anything but complain know what, I am not going to subject you to that rant, if you want to know how I feel you can call me. I want to introduce you all to my new Denham Springs girlfriend. If I'm not with Elizabeth, I'm with her. I call her Jasmine

Anybody have the nubmer to Rogaine?
Can you bring your new girlfriend home? After all, how many people can say they have a pet alligator? A few, but not that many. She would fit in very well here.
i haven't stopped laughing. your rogaine comment killed me. i think you're just having a bad hair day.
jasmine might get big, and not so nice.
oh, fix the band names in your music listings. it's Black Rebel Motorcycle CLUB, not group. and it's the WalkMEN. not the walkmans.
sorry, i'm a snob, i know.
read my blog.
David - I am coming down there tomorrow. And if I run into Jasmine...i will make her my new hand bag. haha elizabeth
It sounds like your girlfriend is a little jealous, Dave.
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