The town I am working in currently is in the middle of their big fair. They say every year around this time the fair comes to town. This make sense for even as I little boy I knew this. I knew this because of the many ridiculous task my mother made me do. Her response to my protests of things being unfair was always the same. "Life is not fair, the fair is what comes at the end of October." Boy my parents get smarter the older I get, and not just in the terms of revelry. Anyway, some one asked me if I would be partaking of the events. I thought it best to skip the gathering of a bunch of people who I have probably made mad over the last couple of months. Lord knows they would all be there with the torches and pitch forks. So instead, we convinced the boss to let us cook out in the hotel parking lot. Free food, good fun, low key. That's what I am talking about. The weather was great and since I don't have to work tomorrow it was pretty dawg gone nice.

I decided yesterday I was going to grill tonight. I was going to buy a grill, set it up in the parking lot, and cook some meat. Those primortial urges men get sometimes. Truthfully the weather is great and I am tired of eating out (working on fifty something nights in a row). The idea was like a bug and before I knew it, everyone was in and the company bought all the neccesaties. Very few things are better than grilled food, except maybe free grilled food. Burgers, sausage, and boudin. Good time had by all. The reason we did it is beacuse of the company giving us tomorrow off. No one has to work. We have been working hard and we deserve it. The light at the end of the tunnel is but a mere match in the dark. Soon that will change to a lantern, and eventually the light of the train taking me home. Home...I have given up not calling the hotel home anymore. It happens at least once a day. But, I keep the positive attitude. I am doing fine, "you know rocking and rolling and what not." A dollar to the first person who can tell me what movie that quote is from. Until then, gaurd your voice mail from old commerical jingles and disney songs.
So, I just wrote most of this over agian, because I am having trouble with it posting. I lost most of it once. I know the second draft is not like the first, but close enough. So, I am not running spell check and if it doesn't go through now, I will be playing frisbee with my laptop. Have fun picking out the spelling errors.
Spelling errors aren't too bad. I never check my posts for spelling errors.
The movie...something is telling me Grease, but I am probably wrong.
Bye now!
Nope it is Grease, and I am absolutely fact I can tell you would said it...that would be one Danny do I get the dollar for being so confident?
Yep, Grease it right. And though I don't Know who Kristyn is...she wins the dollar. She was the first person to get. But Mary Beth, you can be my Scene-It partner anytime.
Am I slow or what's with the B-O-L-O-N-G-A??
mmmmmmmmm....boudin. luckyyyy.
hope you got my message this morning. i was dying laughing in my hotel last night when i read that.
Your not slow, but if you don't answer you phone, be prepared for some silliness of the voice mail
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