Tuesday, August 2, 2011


dLife is about balance. Yin and Yang. A deep cosmic righting of the world that evens all things. Balance is seen in everywhere we are, in everything we do. It can been seen in Buddhism, with Karma. It can be seen in Christianity with the Golden Rule, it can be seen in Muslim teachings as well. One can not live long out of balance with ones self. Balance is catching up with me, and I'm indulging in the oneness of this natural process. See:

Sunday-I wake early, go to church, come home, rest from a busy weekend (balance). Deciding to play in a soccer game at 9:50 that night. Monday, I awake, later than normal as I'm tired still (balance).

Monday-after rising late, I enjoy the morning, resting, drinking coffee, taking care of me. I spend the afternoon doing honey-dos and cooking lunch for my beautiful bride (balance). I go to the gym, deciding to lift weights after an absence, then I choose to play in another soccer game that night.

Tuesday-I wake early, I run 4 miles, I come home, I choose to drink coffee, make breakfast and relax. I load and unload a truck full of items for a garage sale, I spend an hour doing yoga. Afternoon is here, I'm sore, I'm tired, I beat. This the (Balance) from the previous 3 days of exercise and exertion.

But the true and intended balance is...I am a good friend, as such, one of my best friends chooses to stay with me when he's in town (balance). I have exerted myself so much over the past few days, expending so many calories, tonight, we will drink beer and stay up late (balance). Tomorrow starts another day of (balance) with a long run, but tonight, I will go to sleep even.

Balance is a delicate thing, teetering in the bounds of too much and too little. Running the errant path is what forces our hand to balance. Everyday is a mix of battles and balance. Those to be waged and won, and those in which truth is the victor.

(so, I poured myself a glass of wine from South Africa, sat down in front of my computer, and spewed into this blog. I realize it doesn't make sense, and I'm ok with that, for it is balance for the few times I do make sense. Cheers!)

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