Thursday, August 11, 2011

Faux Fall

Lately I've taken to running the trails at the Stoner Boat Launch.  Shreveportians are pretty lucky to have suck a great trail system so close to downtown,  (actually starting in downtown).  These river front trails provide for all types of biking and running.  They have an asphalt path, 5 miles one way, that can accomodate all runners and both mountain and road bikers.  It also had miles of trail for mountain biking and trail running, my favorites.  Yesterday, I took advantage of both the trail running and the mountain biking.

In the morning, around 6:30, when the sun was peeking through the trees, and we were was quietly running the trail with leaves falling and rustling below us, I felt at peace.  I sighed and took the time to look around.  It was gorgeious,  yellow, red, and green leaves falling.  A blanket of them lying on the floor.  For a moment I thought to myself, "Wow, this is gorgeous, fall like, wonderful."  Then relatity hit and said outloud,  "Wait, WHAT?  It's the middle of Agust, why the hell does it look like fall here.  Oh yeah, right, I know, because of the weeks of consecutive 105+ degrees of heat." Yeah, the damned heat wave has caused the trees and thier leaves to die, imitating an autumn jettison of their precious shade providing, food luring, leaves.  Sad really.  Once I realized the cause of this, I was less inclined to be so happy with the condition of the trees.  But, the paths are still nice.

This weather has been great for my tan...or lack there of.  I refuse to go outside and do things, course stuff is starting to pile up and I'm waging a loosing battle with my grass.  But, it is what it is.  At least the trails are fun and I can still find some things to occupy my time with.  Peace.

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