Sunday, July 10, 2011

New Shell

Let me first start by saying NO we are not pregnant.  NO we do not have any little one on the way.  The new look and name of the blog "The McCormick Family" is progression into a more age appropriate place and time.

I was very tired of the the site name "what are you joking" of the old site.  I found it to be not only a poor representation of the posts, but also just lame.  And we can't have anything lame around here, now can we.  Also, if the time does come in which we add to our family, then we will have an established and convenient method to share info.  But, nothing now, nor in the works...

So please update you listings and bookmarks for the new ( and hopefully improved) blogspot.  As you can see, with the addition of my wife, I'm already making this place better looking.  And as to not ruin your time, I've posted the link to some of our pictures from Africa,  enjoy!

1 comment:

mjhambayou said...

That is an absolutely beautiful picture of the two of you!