Sunday, August 29, 2010 excerpt from my Journal

Imagine a place free of the bonds of Denomination and Religion. A place open to Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Buddist, Muslims, all faiths. A place where we can come in the name of a higher Purpose to interact. A place where relationships are formed, discussions held, and love abounds. This is the Community of Taize, or so it's purpose.

We gather, 4000 in number, ages 7 to 82, all here for worship, all hoping to find the missing piece, the reconnection, or spiritual awakening. Tonight we gather in the name of Christ to worship. Our shoes lie empty at our sides as we are truly on Holy Ground.

For over an hour we sing chants, prayers really, to God and the world. Rhythmic tunes in Latin, English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, and more. A special sermonette by the prior of the Monastary simeautaneously broadcast in five languages. A crazy and amazing feat. It turns out to be the 100th birthday of Mother Teresa, our first night in Taize.

There was no real end to the evening prayer time. At one point the Brothers leave, but people remain singing, chanting, and praying. Over the next half hour people trickle out as they are ready...and the service is over. A calm heart and uplifted soul we go our ways with anticipation of morning prayer.

In the town of Taize, the camera was on an old wall with a timer.  

Where we slept for three nights...very comfy

My pretty wife in the town of Taize

The brothers in Worship (this is actually a picture of a card from the exposition eliz took.  Pics during the service was frowned upon, but this is what it looks like)

We met some wonderful people, including a lady from Stonewall (less than 20 mins from our house).  Peace and Truth was the theme.  It was truly a blessing for us both and a place we hope to return to with our family and friends.  

1 comment:

Joshua Lowe said...

How did you guys learn about all these neat things?