Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Here you go Uncle Mike

My mind is my enemy. Fighting like junkyard dogs over a scrap of day old meat, my mind keeps me from a restful night sleep. There are no sugar plumb fairies dancing in my mind when I rest. The people, places, and events change, but still I wake up going "what the hell was that about?" I read somewhere a good night sleep was God's reward for a guiltless conscience." Now I must search the harddrive of my mind and emotions to find the source of worry and guilt.

I don't necessarily buy into that whole guilt crap. I think I just watch weird Sci Fi movies, read part of a strange book, and then try to sleep. Sounds like I need to change my interest for sleep. That ain't happening.

...This was a draft from a couple of days ago, it's not really complete, but it won't have anything else added to it. Check back soon I'll have the interesting events of my past week.

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