Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Up is Down, Down is Up

So this was sort of a wierd day. I don't quite to know what to make of it. It wasn't bad, not really good, but just odd. It started at 7:30am with older gentleman I woke up. He knew I was coming, and he knew what time. Apparently, he didn't think the money train (that's me) was worth waking up for. So, after lots of knocks and a couple of calls, he comes to the door...In his underwear. Yeah, so he puts on clothes and we proceed to walk around the home to see the damages. I am looking at the house and doing the usually chit chat. I hear an oddly familiar noise and I turn around to see this man peeing in the middle of his back yard. Now, most of you all have, at one time or another, urinated outdoors, but how many of you have done it infront of some one you just met five minutes earlier. Needless to say, I was running for the anti-bacteria lotion after that one.

Then there was the really, really nice couple who wanted to dissect every letter of there policy. I couldn't help but laugh as the conversation shifted to hobby farms and then...yes Pygmy Goats. That's what they wanted, goats to make cheese and soap and other bohemian things I have only heard out to the mouth of my dear crazy mother. They were fun.

Then there was the dog that decided it didn't like me. I have never been afraid of those little pouches, and this fellow was no different. I pet him after his master calmed him down. Then I stopped and she turned her back, at this point he wanted his true hatred to come through, and he bit me. That little SOB bit me at the knee, didn't break the skin, but I sure did almost kick that dog through the wall.

I finished the day off with a 86 year old man who has had four hip replacements. He waddled around like weebles. He was telling me how his wife wouldn't let him have a ladder or doing anything. I had to agree with her, but what he lacked in mobility he made up for in spunk. His wife could out talk Bob Costas when it came to sports. I tell you a 86 year old female sports fan. Crazy.

I also found out I have been authorized to get a new car. Now I have the daunting task of telling the company how poorly I have taken care of the one I have now. My biggest company fears have now come to fruition. Lucky Me. My choices are between at Ford 500 or a Impala. I'm kinda leaning toward the new Impala, I do like the new design. So, lets have a little pole and you guys can tell me what you think. Tomorrow is my day off and I will be sleeping for most of it. I can't wait.


smc said...

You never have a dull moment. How funny. Sounds like you are in Keithville. I wonder if any of the children you come into contact with take a dead mouse in a jar to Show and Tell. Oh yeah, the jar had holes in the top!! Duh!!! The statement "Only in Keithville" is so true, but perhaps we should say "Only in Louisiana". And what was that crack about yo' mama? I'm also curious as to what comment you took off.

Elizabeth Virginia said...

-I have always been shocked at how many men will walk past a bathroom to there porch where the releive themselves.....but I have never heard of doing it in front of anyone.
-You could be a balla in an Impala (My daddy was)
-Did I tell you that I got you a pigmy goat for your birthday? It has been sleeping with Drew until you get home.

Allison Elaine said...

I say Impala, definitely much cooler than the 500.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey David
You need to update your Blog more often. I always look forward to it. Great Job!

smc said...

wtf=with tired feet. Thus the famous saying "I'm tired, I hate people, I'm going to bed!"