Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Surgeon General's Warning- Following is Gross and Should Not be Read if you have a weak stomach, taking heart medicine, or pregnant with child

When it comes to people I have two views, depending on the interaction. I either love people or I hate people. When I say people I mean everyone in general. I sometimes switch moods faster than a pregnant woman. I have recently discovered this job is all about the people. My mother was worried about the different things I would see while I was working in South Louisiana. I think she was more concerned over the structural damage and exasperation of people. I don't think she was taking into consideration the personalities of people. The term melting pot doesn't quite describe it. I would say it is more like a sub culture upchucking.

Some of the people I have met would send you into a spiral of hate, fear, and prejudice, while others give you hope and reassurance. I am not singling out a particular race or economic status. For both ends of the spectrum lie on all varieties of color, creed, money, etc. Some make you think, "What the Deuce, get me the hell outta here." Needless to say, some of the most disturbing things I have experienced, I can attribute to these everyday folks.

For example, today I adjusted a claim on man who has been in the hospital for two months with a staff infection. As I was mid sentence explaining the thousands of dollars I was about to give him, he thought it prudent to show me his "wounds." With out invitation and before I could protest, he was hiking up his shorts and showing me the cuts on his leg, up to and including his danglies, where the doctors had to scrape out infections. Needless to say, it was difficult finishing the explanation of the estimate with a mouthful of bile. That will Haunt Me.

Then there was our Darwin Award Nominee mentioned earlier in the blog, who thought it prudent to go out side during 100+ mile an hour winds. Well we know what disfiguring memento he will be showing the family on Christmas morning. That will Haunt Me.

Then there was the 350 pound diabetic man who stubbed his toe. As I was looking around his kitchen fire (which he didn't tell his wife about, and she was mad, I mean MAD) making notes, he preceded to recount the events to me. I was interjecting my "Uh Huhs," and my "Reallys?" but not exactly paying attention. When I turned around to face him, I found his big, nasty, black, smelly, gross foot in the air, as if I was to magically make it all better. Another gag reflex. That will Haunt Me.

Lastly, (for I could go on for a while) there was the 12 year old girl. Like most girls her age she liked boys, movies, and other stuff they teach you about when they separate the girls and boys in gym class. She came home after school one day, mom was at work. Yes, she was a latch key kid, but most of us all have the memory when we were big enough to stay alone, and even though we said we loved it, it really scared the crap out of us...I digress. Well, with mom not getting home till late, she was hungry. She decided she was going to make her and her cousins some tater tots. You guessed it, with grease. Now, as bright as she might be, no one told her that water only agitates a grease fire (this is where it gets bad). She was afraid of burning the home down, so she grabbed the burning pan and ran it outside. In the process she spilt grease on the floor, the carpet, and worst of all, on her self. Third degree burns on her legs and arms. As I was taking pictures my heart went out for this girl. The doctors said she would eventually be fine, with little to no scaring, but the pain I couldn't imagine. She was nice and cute and as I was looking at the burns and listening to her story, I had to fight back the vomit. That will Haunt Me.

Now you may be thinking I have a weak stomach and I say I do. But, now you know why I am not a doctor or anything where I have to see icky stuff everyday. Every now and then is even more than I would like to handle. Getting back onto point, People are amazing. Always something new and ever changing.


BrianH said...

there are some interesting people out there, dude. all can i say, is that it'll keep on getting more interesting in this line of work.


Elizabeth said...

I have seen some pretty nasty Staph infections but never on anyone's "danglies."

Mary Beth said...


I miss you so much sometimes...especially when I can hear you actually speaking the words that you type on here! Can't wait to see you....whenever that may be!