Sunday, October 16, 2005

So, I just spent about twenty minutes writing some ramblings about some, what I like to think is, pretty insightful junk. Yes junk. But when I went to spell check it, because I have inherited my father's ablity to spell, it wasn't there and I can't find it. I don't feel like rewriting it, so you must make due with five sentences, the last of which updating you on me. I'm tired, I hate people, and I'm going to bed.


mjh said...

According to Winnie the Pooh

"My spelling is Wobbly. It's good spelling, but it Wobbles, and the letters get in the wrong places."

and he was very popular too!!

BrianH said...

you like the bad spelling, huh main?

Michael B said...

Dude, that happened to me a few nights ago. Pain in the butt!

smc said...

Oh you have done it now. Granny has put a hex (or spell!!) on your computer. How could you possible think of taking away her favorite pasttime? She appears when you least expect it and make all of our mistake correct without pain. Isn't she wonderful!