Monday, October 24, 2005

Jack Frost Can Bite My Butt

I noticed it immediately as I opened the door to my hotel room. There was something wrong. Something in the air. It became very apparent around 8am as I was standing on a rickety metal roof. It's friggan cold! Yesterday was nice, a light breeze to keep you going, but plenty of warmth in the sun. Today, however, like a thief in the night, the cold had robbed the beautiful weather, replacing it with teeth chattering cold.

Now, I know in southern Louisiana I have no right to complain about the cold. I have friends scattered above the mason Dixon line who have yet to feel how miserable they will be. But, standing on the roof in my short sleeve shirt brought to my realization, I didn't bring any long sleeves with me. Well, I take that back, I did bring one old, thin cotton shirt with long sleeves. This shirt however is not what you would call the pit bull of the wind blockers. That being said, when I got back to the hotel I immediately put my pathetic excuse for warm clothes on. That lasted about an hour. Then I got my unhappy butt in the car and went and purchased a fleece. Now I will be happy and warm. So bring on the cold, I'm ready.


Mary Beth said...

Guess what? Tomorrow they are predicting rain/snow showers for Staunton...THAT'S CRAZY!!! It's not even Halloween and it's starting to snow?! Anyway, I feel your pain, coldness sucks when you aren't prepared for it!

quirkyliz said...

This gal wasn't made for cold either (unless there is a ski slope involved.) I think you should come home on a burrow to get warm clothing.

BrianH said...

i've heard it was chilly down there. it's friggin' cold up here in St. Paul, MN.

i'm not going to tell you how much i've spent on a "winter wardrobe."


BrianH said...

hope the fleece keeps you warm, you big baby.


BrianH said...

