Monday, May 23, 2005

Ugh, Mondays

I hate Mondays. The weeks work looms overhead and taunts you with five more days until freedom and laziness. Alas, what is there to do. Give up, never. Bury the head, dig into the work and make sure the weekends are worth the crap you put up with to get you there. This past weekend I had the best golf shot of my life. I was 110 yards out from the hole, hitting my third shot. It was and par four and I am not the best golfer, that's why I was so far out. I I gripped it and ripped it. I knew from the get go it was going to be pretty. It bounced once on the green and began to roll. Yeah, it rolled straight into the hole. Those are the shots that keep you coming back to play again. Granted the rest of my round was less than superb. I met a guy once who was wearing a shirt that sums up my golf game. It didn't have any pictures but just a few sayings:

I Hate Golf
I hate Golf
"Nice Shot"
I Love Golf

So that is my golf philosophy. I know I could go to the driving range, and take lessons, but nothing beats the thrill of just going out and playing. So, now I have to go back to work and fight my way through till the weekend, and hopefully another "Nice Shot" that makes me love the game.

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