Saturday, May 21, 2005

Krispy Kreme and Me

This Saturday morning shaped up like the past four Saturdays. I woke up, laid on the couch and waited for the roommates to peel themselves from their respective bedrooms. As the last roommate ventured into the living room, we all got up and left the home in almost complete silence. There was no need to talk, no missed stories from the night before. No amusing antedotes to hear for the twentith time. It was relatively early in the morning and time for the time honored tradition of Donuts and a stout cup of coffee. We headed to Krispy Kreme.

For years there has been one major donut company. Southern Maid. Don't get me wrong the deep fried dough coated with pure sugar is very good, but there is just something magical about Krispy Kreme. The store had just opened here and I finally got to experience the simple thrill of standing in line watching the conveyor belt of heart disease, obesity, and diabetes trickle by. I dismissed these thoughts as my spare tire began to grumble. I have to say it was worth it.

This is a great much needed bonding time for the roomates of the house. Conversations very from very spirited one week to few words spoken the next. But, the effort and much needed break from the hectic week make that half hour a much sought after Oasis.

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