No, I don't have an actual picture of a Prague sunset, but the sun is setting on our last night here. Unfortunately, we are so exhausted from traipsing the city for the past three days, I think it may be an early night for us. Yesterday we took a "night time tour of Prague." It ended up just being the two of us, so we pretty much had a private tour of the Prague and the Prague Palace. We were completely alone in some spots walking the streets of Prague, the Courtyards of the Palace. It was pretty amazing! I actually couldn't believe a place so busy in the day time was so ultimately vacant at night. I think the brief down pour helped with our seclusion. But, it was merely and excuse for us to duck into a little cafe for beer, Horka Cocoate and Honey Cake. It's good that we are walking everywhere cause we need to burn the calories.
Today we took another tour, and underground tour of Prague. We say homes from the 1100s and wells and learned some pretty neat history of the place. We also went to the Cathedral Our Lady of Snow. This was one of the most detailed cathedrals I have ever seen. It helps me to appreciate Pillars of the Earth more, and that book helps me appreciate cathedrals more. Tonight we ate at a themed restaurant. Everyone speak very good English here, which is awesome cause Czech is a hard language to learn. but enough talk, how bout some pictures:
Eliz at St. Vitus Cathedral |
Prague Palace, at night |
St Vitus Cathedral at Night |
1 comment:
Sounds wonderful. I am so proud of y'alls adventurus spirit and love of other cultures. I wish I was with u. Take notes and we'll go later. Mike looks and sounds better. Drs ran lots of tests today. No results yet. Probably tomorrow. So sorry I wasn't clear about my location. I'm in west monroe with mom. Not knowing has been very scary. I LoVE YoU BOTh more than shooting stars. I'm on my first and last glass of wine ;@)
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