Thursday, February 16, 2012

Blogger Without a Cause

As you can probably tell, there has been pretty much just the sounds of crickets emanating from this blog.  I don't see this as a lapse in interests, but more a calm before the storm.  The future holds some pretty interesting happenings and, hopefully, we can add a little more. All I need is a cause to increase and publicize.

I've recently applied to be a member of the Airborne Bicycles Flight Crew. Basically the coolest gig ever, if you were to ask me...and you are here, reading, so I'll assume you are.  If accepted, I would be able to test rigs, components, and gear.  Being a team member would mean a storm of media and lots of time on the trail. Sounds pretty heavenly to me....(I didn't get it, so Enjoy the bike pics)

Comite Trail, Baton Rouge, LA

I call this incriminating evidence

Mid-Ride Stretch and Food Break

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