Friday, November 11, 2011

Is that legal?

I french kissed a giraffe yesterday.  Yeah, not what you expected to be the opening line.  Don't worry, I gave her dinner first, I am, after all, a gentleman.  Now hold off, before you go calling authorities or blowing me up on the twittershpere, let me explain.  There is, after all, a method to the madness and no cause for concern.

It was at the State Fair.  I haven't been to the fair in over a decade.  This is owing mostly to the fact that it is first of all, not safe after dark...or late into the afternoon, and two, it's rather expensive.  But we were drawn to the fair this year. It was a calling, neigh, a desire for something.  Something unique, special, something fairtastic!  It was...wait for it....almost...RED VELVET FUNNEL CAKE!  And it was worth every calorie filled, artery clogging, dying younger bite.

Doesn't this look soooo Good
A friend told of us this wonderful anomaly, so we had to go and try it out.  We decided to go on Eliz's day off, in the early afternoon.  We actually timed it quite perfectly.  The weather was great, there was no fee to get in, and it was a Dollar Day, with lots of specials for only a dollar.  That's how we got away with two hours at the fair and only spending $8.  Yeah, we rock!

So 7 of those dollars was spent on the funnel cake (Worth It).  The other buck was spent on carrots to feed the livestock. In this case a Giraffe.  They had goats, pigs, cows, tigers, elephants, ducks, turkeys, zebras, etc, etc, etc.  But, my darling wife was mesmerized by the longneck. So, we dug deep, pulled out a dollar and bought carrots.  She fed him a couple and had a good laugh.  With her remaining two carrot sticks, she graciously gave me the honor to feed the big gal.

 First carrot, give by hand...the "traditional" way.  The second carrot I put in my mouth (mostly hanging out of course) and the giraffe, bent his long neck over the fence stuck out his 12 inch tongue and grabbed that carrot like it was dipped in gold.  With wide eyes, a sour face, and some definite giraffe spittle on my chin, I pulled away to raucous laughter from my wife and bystanders.  It kinda freaked me out...and then Eliz wouldn't even give me a kiss, what's up with that.  Totally worth it though.  I mean really, how many people can pontificate on the time they made out with a giraffe.  Now I can cross that one off the bucket list.  Next up teeth cleaning clinic for crocodiles, what can I say, I'm a giver.

the tongue in action

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