Thursday, April 14, 2011

Pavement Therapy

Pavement Therapy is what I call solo running.  No partners, no headphones, just me and the road.  It gives me a chance to take in the surroundings and spend time "upstairs" in my mind.  I first started this when my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer.  It proved to be a great way to work out frustration and sadness. I don't need a reason to run, I could be having a perfectly normal day or the weather could be especially nice, and I will hit the pavement for some therapy.  It's just a free way to increase my mood, attitude, and body. 

Today was an especially good pavement therapy day.  Spring is starting to break through, with winter still fighting to hang out as long as possible.  This morning the warm sun was dancing with rain clouds and a light breeze, providing almost perfect weather conditions for a run.  One moment the sun would shine on me brightening my path only to be pushed aside by a breeze cooling me down.  The air was thick with smell of rain complementing the smells of spring.  As I ran the smell of honeysuckle, dogwoods, and roses would fill me and seemingly encourage my run.  I came across blue jays, brown thrashers, and an odd assortment of people walking there dogs.  

I love getting out there to run.  Not running for the sake of time, but time for running!  It's a great way to just relax.

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