Friday, January 29, 2010

New TV

Well, we finally succumbed to popular opinion. Eliz and I broke down yesterday and got a flat panel tv. It was a long fight, but in the end, I guess there really wasn't much of a choice. Eventually it would come to pass. This is the less than fun story of how it started.

We had discussed getting a new tv ever since we had gotten married, about 2 years now
(yippee). But we were never really serious about it. Then recently, like the past two months, we decided to sell our old tv. We went through the conventional routes of Craig's list and what not, but had no luck. Then, my little sister Laura decided to move into a new and bigger place. Thus, she needed the tv. She took it off our hands, which was nice. However, we were left with a blank spot in the living room. Not something either of us were concerned about as we try not to watch too much tv anyhow. Man I know this is such a fun and exciting story for everyone out there. But,
yesterday we got a new tv and it wasn't because
we needed it, or really wanted it. No, it was because Eliz found the perfect TV table. A antique style, red tv stand. She loved it, and it was pretty cheap, so we bought it, got it home and then had to go get something to go o
n top of it. Needless to say it's not too bad, I do enjoy the newer, bigger tv. It makes Transformers look AWESOME, and the dork in me thinks it is worth it for that reason alone. But, top picture is the old one, and this is the new one, complete with awesome stand and fun
new side decorations. Why is it that when you get married nothing is ever an easy purchase. One thing always leads to another thing and then there is that damn accessory that must go with the previously purchased thing. Wow, has consumerism enveloped our lives. Too bad. We combated the new tv craze by establishing a "Reading Room" in our
house. This is a tv and stereo free room set up only for ready. It allows for peaceful times in our media infused life. It is quickly becoming one of my most favorite rooms. Even if reading turns into napping, I live it all the same. Comfortable and cozy, just the way it should be.
"Reading Room"

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

New Year, New You.

Yikes, a painful, almost three months since my last post. It seems time slips by during the rushed Holidays. Mine were pretty not too Shabby. I will give you the run down.

Halloween: Fine, went to Lafayette with wife's family
Thanksgiving: Took week off, ate too much, and redid my mother's bathroom
Christmas: Awkward at times, as all family gatherings tend to be, went to Dallas had a GREAT time there.
New Years: Skiing in Winter Park, Colorado. Fun, Fun, Fun.

Let me give you a quick run down on Winter Park ( and I mean quick). Skiing is great, Resort "town" kinda cool. Actual Town, not bad. Beer in the area...POOR. Public Transportation, awesome. Massages-Best I ever had! All in all a good way to ring in the new year.

Last but not least, I have decided to put my computer and my brain to the test and I edited a video for funsies. It is my first work, and I don't know if any shall follow. Have Fun!