Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Chicken or the Church

Have you ever noticed how the high crime areas tend to have more churches per ca pita? At least, in Shreveport, it seems this way. It begs the questions, though, Which came first, the church or the crime?

I am sure there is a "book turning" sociology paper published in some dark, moldy section of an unpopulated library with their version of the correct answer. But, if it demands research, I am almost not interested.

It is fun to pontificate about though. I wonder if a group got together and said "Crime is too much, we must fight it. I know, lets build a church, a beacon of hope." And if they did this did the dissenting faction say "If they are going to build a church, then we are too." So that eventually small ones were on every block and larger facilities lined the main roads. Or was it the opposite way.

"Man, this part of town has too many churches, lets rock things up." Then the crime/gangs move in. Wouldn't it be interesting if their colors changed with the liturgical calender, deep purples, reds and an occasional rainbow. That could prove decidedly hazardous to any preacher on the pulpit, sporting the stohl of the day.

The area of my mind consumed with nonsense like the chicken and the egg, will now have to make room for the parable of the churches and the crime. Now I must go repent. I am fearing damnation of trivializing intercity churches or maybe I should be more concerned with making fun of gangstas.

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