Monday, August 29, 2005

Paul Revere Rides again

Every time a hurricane comes through it reminds me of when Paul revere made his ride. It is a bunch of "the storm is coming the storm is coming." This is usually followed by mass hysteria and the occasion tears from loved ones. But I see it as a way to hurry up, pack virtually everything I own, and wait around for the command to leave. Then I sit as plans crumble and change all around me. Some may say we follow the military's Hurry up and Wait policy. But, as all of you hopefully know, and some may be even harboring refugees, Katrina did some damage. This means I am leaving.

So, tomorrow, maybe, I will become a resident of the Days Inn in Hammond, LA. That is assuming they have power, and open roads, and means for our company to operate. I figured trying to work 15 hour days and keeping in touch with all my friends and family will be a little difficult. So I have decided to try and post updates on my blog every couple of days or so. This way any who is bored can say "I wonder what David is up to," (knowing you spend most of your time doing that already) can simply log on to the internet and say..."Damn, I'm glad I'm not him." So let the good times roll South Louisiana, here I come.


Sarah said...

I was wondering when you would be leaving and such. Since I have nothing to do when I come to work -ah the love of an on-campus job- I can check your blog site! yeah!! Love ya, bro - Sarah

Anonymous said...

Great idea, David! I'll be following your travels and travails regularly.
Grandma McC xoxox

Joshua Lowe said...

Good luck and be careful Dave.

sheila mccormick said...

What a great idea. Watch out for EVERYTHING.

Anonymous said...

God be with you! Granny