I'm pretty sure Elizabeth and I have the cutest daughter in the world. I'm also pretty sure this is by design. I was told by my father, recently when my daughter was born, I was the most beautiful baby he'd ever seen. I smiled with both an err of vanity and resoluteness that I probably was the cutest baby, ever. However, he followed it up with "I mean, I know you weren't the prettiest baby ever, but to me you were the best." My ego deflated. It dropped almost as low and painful as when Elizabeth and I were taking a walk one evening, while she was pregnant and we were discussing how cute our daughter was going to be, when she felt compelled to say "Well, you know we aren't 10s." My dejected face staring back at her green eyes with sadness. I replied to her I'd always thought she was a 10...and I thought I was pretty close. It was like they looked at me and said I was ogre-esk.
But, with my precious daughter, I know she's the prettiest ever. Gerber ain't got nothing on her. Recently we took a two week road trip to North Carolina. She did well in the car and did great with Elizabeth's family who was up there, around 20 of them. She was almost 3 months old when we took the trip, and it made me excited for when she gets older and more interactive, for I know we are going to have lots of fun.
More pictures as evidence of her cuteness:
With the Tongan Preacher who Married Eliz and I |
Four Generations of "Fair" women |
Some of her first smiles |
Her Too Cool For School Shades |
Cutest Pic Ever! |
My Little Book Worm |