Thursday, August 16, 2012

Cutie Pie

I'm pretty sure Elizabeth and I have the cutest daughter in the world.  I'm also pretty sure this is by design.  I was told by my father, recently when my daughter was born, I was the most beautiful baby he'd ever seen.  I smiled with both an err of vanity and resoluteness that I probably was the cutest baby, ever.  However, he followed it up with "I mean, I know you weren't the prettiest baby ever, but to me you were the best."  My ego deflated.  It dropped almost as low and painful as when Elizabeth and I were taking a walk one evening, while she was pregnant and we were discussing how cute our daughter was going to be, when she felt compelled to say "Well, you know we aren't 10s."  My dejected face staring back at her green eyes with sadness.  I replied to her I'd always thought she was a 10...and I thought I was pretty close.  It was like they looked at me and said I was ogre-esk.

But, with my precious daughter, I know she's the prettiest ever.  Gerber ain't got nothing on her.  Recently we took a two week road trip to North Carolina.  She did well in the car and did great with Elizabeth's family who was up there, around 20 of them.  She was almost 3 months old when we took the trip, and it made me excited for when she gets older and more interactive, for I know we are going to have lots of fun.  

More pictures as evidence of her cuteness:

With the Tongan Preacher who Married Eliz and I

Four Generations of "Fair" women

Some of her first smiles

Her Too Cool For School Shades

Cutest Pic Ever!

My Little Book Worm

Friday, May 25, 2012

6 Weeks of Fun Filled Times

So, what they don't really tell you about having children, is that it's a search for a new normal.  Learning to maintain function with little to no sleep, honing your puzzle skills as you attempt to figure out the perfect combination of changing feeding and rocking that gets the little tyke to quit crying. Balance of eating hot and cold meals as you juggle the aforementioned crying child.  Yeah...

But, the love is amazing.  The cute moments, the casual smile, that I don't think is gas related, the peacefulness of sleeping baby.  Those are the time we hold to.  But enough blab, now some photos.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Living Up to the Title

The McCormick Family.  This nomenclature eludes to multiples...more than just two.  If it were only two, it would be aptly entitled The McCormick Couple.  For this is more direct, clear.  However, the title of this blog specifically states "family."  And fortunately, now we are a family.

On April 12, 2012, Elizabeth gave birth to out darling daughter at 3:23pm.  Eva Rives McCormick weighed in at 7 lbs 13 oz, 20.5 inches long.  She was sticky and icky and beautiful.  Birth, for me the dad, was simultaneously the grossest and most awesome thing I have ever seen.  It was something else, to the point where words kind of escape me.

It's been 17 days since she was born, and we are tired and confused and lost.  But mostly we are in love, in awe, excited, in wonder, and very happy to have such a precious daughter.  She is doing really well, eating lots and sleeping less and less.  She's pretty precious.

But enough words, now some pics.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Blogger Without a Cause

As you can probably tell, there has been pretty much just the sounds of crickets emanating from this blog.  I don't see this as a lapse in interests, but more a calm before the storm.  The future holds some pretty interesting happenings and, hopefully, we can add a little more. All I need is a cause to increase and publicize.

I've recently applied to be a member of the Airborne Bicycles Flight Crew. Basically the coolest gig ever, if you were to ask me...and you are here, reading, so I'll assume you are.  If accepted, I would be able to test rigs, components, and gear.  Being a team member would mean a storm of media and lots of time on the trail. Sounds pretty heavenly to me....(I didn't get it, so Enjoy the bike pics)

Comite Trail, Baton Rouge, LA

I call this incriminating evidence

Mid-Ride Stretch and Food Break