Monday, September 27, 2010
Inedible Egg
Saw this today and thought it was neat and worth passing on. I found it at The Prana Blog. This is only one of many videos like this.
I don't know about you, but I need constant reminders of where my food comes from. I seem to slip into a sense of complacency as I am tucking into my Chicken Tikka Masala. Not wanting to care where it came from or what bad is in there ( and there is plenty, I'm sure). So next time you find yourself about to eat a hamburger than can have up to 500 cows in that one patty, think, and refrain. I'm not saying don't eat meat, but be choosy of where it is from. It could save your life one day.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
There is no escape. No turning back, no ability to cease, and none to be saved. When it's not a part of you, feelings of despair, fear, and chaos pulse through your body like electricity pumping through your veins, delivery momentary jumps of icy pain. Your mind is consumed with nothing but finding it, getting the fix, riding the pleasure it brings. You neglect family, some who just don't understand. Quality of work diminishes as you care not what you produce, but only that you spend enough time there so as not to raise any suspicion of your true want and desire. I find myself neglecting duties around the home, dishes pile up like mountains in my sink, clothes litter the floor as if rooted in their spot.
It affects who I am too. My emotions run wild; anxiety, a deep sadness, uncontrollable laughter, all these are but momentary hints on my mind and lips, hints that come and go as quickly as the passing winds. Pushing everything aside, I dig deeper, go harder, refusing to see the reality and let anything outside my realm of reality penetrate until it's over. With it finality, peace, a lifting of a cloud that shows the world outside waiting to be lived and loved. But, this feeling is but temporary as yet another longing and urge stirs in my mind as turn over the past relationship gained. I know there will be another time when I am consumed beyond help, a fortress of my mind with nothing able to lay siege and wrought me away.
This is what reading does to me...especially Harry Potter books. This explains why I have been AWOL on the blog this past week, book 7 needed a good reread. I would think to myself, "I need to blog something." But, I was always distracted. This was meant to mostly be a joke of mine, mostly. I do find myself consumed and 800 pages books get devoured in a week. However, it's not all of them, just the good ones...and the Harry Potter Series is the catalyst for the feelings. Yeah, I'm a great, big ole dork. Nice to Meet You.
It affects who I am too. My emotions run wild; anxiety, a deep sadness, uncontrollable laughter, all these are but momentary hints on my mind and lips, hints that come and go as quickly as the passing winds. Pushing everything aside, I dig deeper, go harder, refusing to see the reality and let anything outside my realm of reality penetrate until it's over. With it finality, peace, a lifting of a cloud that shows the world outside waiting to be lived and loved. But, this feeling is but temporary as yet another longing and urge stirs in my mind as turn over the past relationship gained. I know there will be another time when I am consumed beyond help, a fortress of my mind with nothing able to lay siege and wrought me away.
This is what reading does to me...especially Harry Potter books. This explains why I have been AWOL on the blog this past week, book 7 needed a good reread. I would think to myself, "I need to blog something." But, I was always distracted. This was meant to mostly be a joke of mine, mostly. I do find myself consumed and 800 pages books get devoured in a week. However, it's not all of them, just the good ones...and the Harry Potter Series is the catalyst for the feelings. Yeah, I'm a great, big ole dork. Nice to Meet You.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Acting your Age
I've reached an awkward age in life. At some point, reality sinks in, you look around you, and realize, "Hmmm, I'm no longer the youngest person here." This happens at work, church, and specifically on nights out on the town. I wish I could say when I was younger I tore the town up, burning the nights away, staying up and partying like I was a rock star...actually, I'm glad I can't say that. Don't get me wrong, I had my fair share of nights that ended, or briefly paused, with a Sunrise, but it was not the norm for me. Call me boring, call me an old soul, just don't call after ten anymore (man that's a lame joke), but I'm keeping it.
Last night, however, I realized the interesting position I am in. No longer am I relegated to the bottom of the age group, but I'm also not at the top. With youth comes the excuse and inexperience that gets you into trouble and out of trouble, both of these for the noviceness of your life position. With age comes wisdom enough to keep you out of the aforementioned trouble, hopefully. But, me, in the middle, the median, this puts me in the position to work the young and the old.
Last night Elizabeth and I went to a Citizen Cope concert. Not a bad concert, but nothing to blog about (ha, this is irony). We took our newly acquired place in the crowd, not the very front, but not the very back either, it corresponds with age. We managed to find a nice elevated place with a concrete pillar behind us, the concert was under a bridge but not as sketchy as that seems. We had a perfect view of the stage, a perfect, not too loud, completely unobstructed, comfortable view. But, with anything there was one flaw, namely the four feet of empty, elevated space in front of us. This area was just begging for someone to stand there. Well, I had to get defensive a couple of times, and this is where my age came in to play. First, an older lady, in her mid to late 40s, stood up in front of us, knocking out our line of sight with Mr. Cope. You just can't react with anger to an momma taught me that, but you can pout, my sister taught me that. She stood up and turned to look at me. Immediately I slumped my shoulders, poked out my bottom lip, and gave her the most defeated look I could muster. Success! She quickly stepped down and the view was clear again.
About ten minutes later, these two young ladies, no more than 22 years, came and decided it was their turn to play with the big boys. They agilely hopped up to the space in front of me. Well, the pouty face just wasn't going to cut it with this one. So instead I threw daggers. No, not literal daggers, but figurative ones shooting from my eyes. I stared them down with a look of "You can't be seriously considering standing in MY way. You don't have the audacity to follow this one through." Success, again! Sheepishly and I'm hoping a bit scared, they retreated to safe, dagger-free position. We were able to enjoy the rest of the concert with no problems or challenges.
An interesting age and time the tumbling into "midlife." At times I find myself resisting with my entire being, but sneaking around the corner is the peace that comes with acceptance. I guess the secret is to find your niche in each station of your life. Allow where you've been to guide where you go without the fear of loosing yourself to obsolescence. Never being afraid to recreate who you are with the pieces of what you learn, where you've come, and the Who you want to be.
Last night, however, I realized the interesting position I am in. No longer am I relegated to the bottom of the age group, but I'm also not at the top. With youth comes the excuse and inexperience that gets you into trouble and out of trouble, both of these for the noviceness of your life position. With age comes wisdom enough to keep you out of the aforementioned trouble, hopefully. But, me, in the middle, the median, this puts me in the position to work the young and the old.
Last night Elizabeth and I went to a Citizen Cope concert. Not a bad concert, but nothing to blog about (ha, this is irony). We took our newly acquired place in the crowd, not the very front, but not the very back either, it corresponds with age. We managed to find a nice elevated place with a concrete pillar behind us, the concert was under a bridge but not as sketchy as that seems. We had a perfect view of the stage, a perfect, not too loud, completely unobstructed, comfortable view. But, with anything there was one flaw, namely the four feet of empty, elevated space in front of us. This area was just begging for someone to stand there. Well, I had to get defensive a couple of times, and this is where my age came in to play. First, an older lady, in her mid to late 40s, stood up in front of us, knocking out our line of sight with Mr. Cope. You just can't react with anger to an momma taught me that, but you can pout, my sister taught me that. She stood up and turned to look at me. Immediately I slumped my shoulders, poked out my bottom lip, and gave her the most defeated look I could muster. Success! She quickly stepped down and the view was clear again.
About ten minutes later, these two young ladies, no more than 22 years, came and decided it was their turn to play with the big boys. They agilely hopped up to the space in front of me. Well, the pouty face just wasn't going to cut it with this one. So instead I threw daggers. No, not literal daggers, but figurative ones shooting from my eyes. I stared them down with a look of "You can't be seriously considering standing in MY way. You don't have the audacity to follow this one through." Success, again! Sheepishly and I'm hoping a bit scared, they retreated to safe, dagger-free position. We were able to enjoy the rest of the concert with no problems or challenges.
An interesting age and time the tumbling into "midlife." At times I find myself resisting with my entire being, but sneaking around the corner is the peace that comes with acceptance. I guess the secret is to find your niche in each station of your life. Allow where you've been to guide where you go without the fear of loosing yourself to obsolescence. Never being afraid to recreate who you are with the pieces of what you learn, where you've come, and the Who you want to be.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
A weekend with Angells
This weekend Eliz and I were lucky enough to spend yet another weekend away from home. I think our bed misses us more than anyone else. I know we are starting to miss it mucho. This weekend we went down and saw our newest and cutest niece. Ms. AnnaLynn Mae Angell!
She was adorable, but mostly she was understanding. She knew her uncle, who was sleeping in the room right next to her, was worried that he would get no sleep because she would cry all has happened in the past with other siblings offspring. Since she is so considerate, she decided to sleep from 10:30pm to 4:30am, her best night sleep yet! Thanks you dear, sweet Annalynn.
She is a wonderfully sweet and delicate flower and she will be a much loved and welcomed part of the for pictures.
She was adorable, but mostly she was understanding. She knew her uncle, who was sleeping in the room right next to her, was worried that he would get no sleep because she would cry all has happened in the past with other siblings offspring. Since she is so considerate, she decided to sleep from 10:30pm to 4:30am, her best night sleep yet! Thanks you dear, sweet Annalynn.
She is a wonderfully sweet and delicate flower and she will be a much loved and welcomed part of the for pictures.
Hello Annalynn, glad to finally meet you! |
Daddy and Annalynn "flying" |
Just getting back from running, me not the baby, the face is because I smell |
Momma and Annalynn |
Pico, Baby, and Me |
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Unplug Yourself
I was sent a web link today from a buddy of mine. It advertised "Show the world your real face...should you give up gadgets for a day." Wired Article. The premises behind it, obviously, giving up the newest and brightest technology we are sure adds nothing but ease to our days. These things being phones, computers, email, etc. For one day, not much of a challenge. Almost anyone could suffer one day without the conveniences of modernity.
I think the real indictment here is that we believe, or we have been so conditioned to believe, our world can't exist without these capitalistic necessities. I recognize the irony of me sharing this with you on my Internet equipped computer and my tethering smart phone which automatically pushes updates to me for several applications so that I may be on the very cutting edge of the "global know." But, I can earnestly say, I relish in the opportunity to get away, to disconnect from it all, to unplug myself from contact. Not forever, just for stretches of time...
Yesterday I marched into Comcast with my DVR enable HD Cable Box and turned it in. No more cable for us. It's not cause we couldn't afford it, or didn't enjoy it, cause we did both. No, it's because we find the cable to be a time suck! We found ourselves sitting down for a quick show while we ate or to rest for a minute, and next thing we knew the night was over...and it's not like you sleep better after an evening of television. So adios primetime, we are flying solo, I am looking forward to reading more, walking more, and blogging more.
Make sure you check out the NY Times article link on the Website above, interesting.
I think the real indictment here is that we believe, or we have been so conditioned to believe, our world can't exist without these capitalistic necessities. I recognize the irony of me sharing this with you on my Internet equipped computer and my tethering smart phone which automatically pushes updates to me for several applications so that I may be on the very cutting edge of the "global know." But, I can earnestly say, I relish in the opportunity to get away, to disconnect from it all, to unplug myself from contact. Not forever, just for stretches of time...
Yesterday I marched into Comcast with my DVR enable HD Cable Box and turned it in. No more cable for us. It's not cause we couldn't afford it, or didn't enjoy it, cause we did both. No, it's because we find the cable to be a time suck! We found ourselves sitting down for a quick show while we ate or to rest for a minute, and next thing we knew the night was over...and it's not like you sleep better after an evening of television. So adios primetime, we are flying solo, I am looking forward to reading more, walking more, and blogging more.
Make sure you check out the NY Times article link on the Website above, interesting.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Readjustment and Processing
It's been a bit difficult readjusting to "American" life. This is so for a couple of reasons. One: Jet lag has been quite a pain in the butt. It has caused me to wake up between 4:00 and 4:30 at least three times since we've been home. Sunday, actually, I woke up, still dark outside, and I had no idea where I was. The house was dark and I was staring into the abyss trying to have my mind catch up with my current place of being. For a good, few seconds I was totally lost, not scared, but just in wonder of where I had gotten myself. I could swear I was staring at very tall columns to an uninviting, 16th century building. But, alas, it was just the bedroom wall.
Secondly: I'm told to either form or break a habit, repetition is key. I believe it is something in the nature of 21 days or 26 days of repetitive action is all that is needed to form a habit. Well, being in Europe for 22 days has resulted in, both Eliz and I, forming some habits. Mostly with our personal belongings this comes to play. For example, when we traveled, every time we neared a crowed at a museum, or metro station, or on the street, or whatever, my hand would immediately go into my front right pocket (which I had moved my wallet to in order to protect it and not wear a goofy money belt). By doing this, I had no problem ever in any part of Europe. Eliz would do the same with her purse. But, this is something we carried over back to the states. We hadn't noticed it until we were walking into Sam's this past weekend. We hit the front door to be held up in a group of people. My hand, darted to my front pocket only to realize, my wallet was no longer there and the likeliness of getting pick pocketed in Shreveport's Sam's was slim at best. Crazy paranoia we need to get over.
The last is just not being on vacation, the real world, our real lives, although thankful and wonderful as they are, it's just not vacation. So, with our chins pointing up, a smile on our face, a good positive attitude, and trepidation and sadness on our hearts, we went back to work today. Sad as our vacation was officially over, trepidation at reestablishing the skin of the worker bee we had so successfully shrugged off over the past three weeks. But don't worry...we've already begun plans for our next great adventure!
Here are some videos from our travels:
The First one is from a soccer game in Berlin, the second is from a prayer night in Taize, the Third is from the catacombs, the fourth is a group we found in the metro station, just trying to earn a buck a guess.
Secondly: I'm told to either form or break a habit, repetition is key. I believe it is something in the nature of 21 days or 26 days of repetitive action is all that is needed to form a habit. Well, being in Europe for 22 days has resulted in, both Eliz and I, forming some habits. Mostly with our personal belongings this comes to play. For example, when we traveled, every time we neared a crowed at a museum, or metro station, or on the street, or whatever, my hand would immediately go into my front right pocket (which I had moved my wallet to in order to protect it and not wear a goofy money belt). By doing this, I had no problem ever in any part of Europe. Eliz would do the same with her purse. But, this is something we carried over back to the states. We hadn't noticed it until we were walking into Sam's this past weekend. We hit the front door to be held up in a group of people. My hand, darted to my front pocket only to realize, my wallet was no longer there and the likeliness of getting pick pocketed in Shreveport's Sam's was slim at best. Crazy paranoia we need to get over.
The last is just not being on vacation, the real world, our real lives, although thankful and wonderful as they are, it's just not vacation. So, with our chins pointing up, a smile on our face, a good positive attitude, and trepidation and sadness on our hearts, we went back to work today. Sad as our vacation was officially over, trepidation at reestablishing the skin of the worker bee we had so successfully shrugged off over the past three weeks. But don't worry...we've already begun plans for our next great adventure!
Here are some videos from our travels:
The First one is from a soccer game in Berlin, the second is from a prayer night in Taize, the Third is from the catacombs, the fourth is a group we found in the metro station, just trying to earn a buck a guess.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
The Palace of Versailles
Today we left the city of love for a brief hiatus in Versailles. We had the opportunity to see how the monarchies of the 17 Centuries lived. If only I could live in the lap of luxury for a fraction of the time they did. The palace was marvelous with exquisite paintings, carvings, and shiny gold paint everywhere. The Gardens, once the hunting grounds of Louis VII, now a virtual tourist mecca. Beautiful grounds, made more so by a wonderfully beautiful French weather. We had a good time there, but being so far out, pretty much took the whole day.
Tomorrow we catch the metro, early, for the airport. Our flight leaves France at 1:40pm, but we get to Atlanta at 5:35pm. If only it was a four hour flight, if only...
We are sad to leave and redevelop our "old lives." We've had so much fun, done so many things, and experienced a lifestyle both better and worse than what we are accustom to. Given the chance, I feel sure we could easily shift our ways to a European style. But, we are still young, and the chance may still yet present itself to us. Cest Bon!
Tomorrow we catch the metro, early, for the airport. Our flight leaves France at 1:40pm, but we get to Atlanta at 5:35pm. If only it was a four hour flight, if only...
We are sad to leave and redevelop our "old lives." We've had so much fun, done so many things, and experienced a lifestyle both better and worse than what we are accustom to. Given the chance, I feel sure we could easily shift our ways to a European style. But, we are still young, and the chance may still yet present itself to us. Cest Bon!
The golden gates to the Palace of Versailles! |
one of many amazing gardens at Versailles |
Proof we were at the gardens of Versailles |
we rented a tandem bike, so much fun, I think we will buy one for home |
These folks were playing for coins in the metro, quite brilliant |
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Paris...In Pictures
The River Siene |
Luxemburg Castle |
At the Louvre Courtyard |
St. Jacques Tower |
Eliz drinking a Coca Cola Light (cause there isn't a "diet" coke) like the Europeans |
Eliz holding the Pyramid at the fell when she moved. |
Steak Tartare Lunch...yeah, that's raw meat |
Bones from French Revolution, Catacombs, Paris |
Stairway of the Arc |
Arc de Triomphe |
"I'm Squishing it" |
Isn't She Cute! |
Overlooking the River and The Tower |
Tomorrow Versailles...
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