Second cool thing Eliz and I did this weekend was go to New Orleans to see Scott, Sarah, Haley, and Emily run the Mardi Gras Marathon. This was the first Marathon for Haley and Emily, and Scott and Sarah's second. All four of them did so great! They finished in under 5 hours, I personal best for them all. Their exact time was 4:58:32. Wonderful. The weather was pristine and warm. There was a celebration afterward complete with beer and the local band Cowboy Mouth. Eliz and I were not runners in this race, but we considered ourselves to be "participants" as we rode our bikes along the race and met up with the runners in different locations. They ran for five hours, Eliz and I biked down bourbon street, Esplanade, Jackson Square...I know we had it easy. We even stopped a place call Eat on Dumaine Street for a wonderful brunch of Tomato Pesto and Feta Torte and Shrimp Omelet with Avocado and Goat Cheese. It was quite nice. We got up a 5:00am to get there in time for the start and drove all the way back to Shreveport that day. We got back around 8pm and she and I were both in bed on our way to sleep by 9:30. It was a great, fun weekend. It has even inspired us to attempt a half marathon. I guess the training begins today!
Here's a video of the runners about to cross the finish line: