So, it's been a while since I have posted anything. It's not because there is nothing going on, nor is it because the world has not been interesting enough to find oddities and idiocies in everyday life. Many times I have said, "I should blog about this." But, I never do, and I realize now why. It's because no one ever reads this. Why lay words that fall not upon deaf ears but no ears at all.
This blog sits in the back of my mind like an infected puss filled boil, festering as if to always remind you it is here waiting for decisive action before healing. I know I am the root of the problem and the answer to the problem. I need to focus more on getting out there and promoting my blog for readers to enjoy. Maybe the best way to get people to read is to be consistent. More likely I am harboring ill-fated thoughts of grandeur.
I am one of millions who have the access to the Internet and the cognisance to write down thoughts and opinions. I know the self serving dribble spewed forth from the mouths of cynics, bureaucrats, religious yahoos, and many more. But, just as I don't want to read their blogs, I become nothing more than a loathing contributory of endless Internet crap...self-deprecating and boring.
So, if motivation strikes or attitudes change I may attempt a regular written soliloquy, but until then deal.